Phoenix Wright : English Turnabout (Part 2)

Court Record

When I Found the Girl

Court Record
Fingerprint Photo

Present the Fingerprint Photo on "She's short ..."

Say that the position of the fingerprints contradicts the testimony

Prove there's a contradiction

Present the Medical Report

Say that the defendant tried to defend herself

Say that it's impossible for Johnny to be the culprit

Present the Torch

About PC Badger

Court Record
Stolen Toy

Present the Torn Tag on "I wrestled this toy back ..."

Say that there is a tag because the toy was swapped

Say it's impossible that Johnny produced bogus evidence

Request that the ship be searched

Present the Newspaper

To Be Continued


535 Picarats and 48 Hint Coins

Phoenix Wright : English Turnabout (Part 1)

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