51 Great Escape

Watch the scene

51 Great Escape

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3

Super Hint


See the Step by Step Solution

Step by Step Solution

Move Maya down one space

Move Layton left one space

Move Layton down two spaces

Move Layton left two spaces

Move Layton down one space

Move Maya up one space

Move Maya down one space

Move Maya right one space

Move Maya down four spaces

Move Maya right two spaces

Move Maya up five spaces

Move Maya down one space

Move Maya up one space

Move Layton down one space

Move Layton left one space

Move Layton down to the exit

Move Maya right to the exit


3165 Picarats and 138 Hint Coins

50 Tight Squeeze

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo 3DS

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Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Guide
Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Hints
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